Post-Pandemic – How has the Cyber Security Landscape Changed?

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Since 2020, there has been a massive global shift in the way organisations communicate, collaborate and generally do business! Everything turned digital, team members took to platforms like Microsoft Teams and Zoom to communicate with their colleagues. Many also turned to Sharepoint and other Microsoft 365 platforms to collaborate with ease. But where does cyber security come into all of this?

Did you know? Since the pandemic began, cyber attacks are up 400%

The Covid-19 pandemic meant that most companies had to solely depend on technology, meaning that cyber security was brought to the fore. Keep on reading to find out whether your company is using the correct software and solutions when it comes to cyber security…


The First Step – The Assessment

Assessing what current cyber security measures you have in place is crucial! By taking a step back and looking at all of the software and applications that your company uses, you can narrow down the ones that have excellent cyber security steps implemented and some that may be lacking in it.

For example, you want to see whether you have Advanced Email Filtering & Protection, Anti-Virus, Malware and Ransomware Software. These are just some of the paramount cyber solutions and software that your organisation should have in place!

At Qlic, we offer Best Practice Analysis’ for those businesses who wish to perfect their Cyber Security measures. We recommend the best cyber security solutions and tailor them for your business. Get in Touch!

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123 Passwords

What is Password Management Software? It is designed to secure your passwords by storing all of your usernames and passwords in one safe place. After you save a password in the software, it will automatically remember it for you.

Does your company currently have Password Management in place for all employees? Password Management is an amazing software that will suggest and store your complex and unique passwords to ensure that your accounts are extremely hard to hack into. Put your accounts in safe hands with one of the Password Management Software below…

Examples of Password Management Software –

  1. LastPass
  2. RoboForm
  3. DashLane
  4. Keeper 1Password

As you can see in the infographic below, creating strong passwords for every account and database used in your company is vital!

How long it takes a hacker to crack your password infographic
How long it takes a hacker to crack your password infographic


Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Making sure that you and only you has access to your data is fundamental. Many hackers have targeted work devices that do not have MFA implemented, this is because they can gain access 10x easier without MFA!

What is Multi-factor Authentication? It adds an extra layer of security, making the user authentication a two-step process that requires the user to prove their identity. Users can then acknowledge a text message or mobile app notification to complete the verification process. You would also be notified if someone else tries to log in to your account.

So, with MFA, if there was ever a notification saying someone is trying to access your account and it is not you, you can simply decline the request to log in and the hacker will not be able to access any information. It is as simple as that!


Cyber Security & Phishing Training for Staff

Have you given your staff full training on cyber security and phishing? This is something that is completely necessary in order to keep your company’s data secure and unbreachable.

Some employees may be starting up at your company with no understanding of cyber security. They could have come from a previous company with no digital experience and would therefore need guidance on securing their work devices. Online there are thousands of cyber security and phishing training courses for your employees that will benefit them and your company in the long run!

We suggest using IT Governance for training your staff with e-learning courses!


In Conclusion

Cyber security is something that your organisation should be taking seriously now more than ever! Whether you need to improve staff training or improve your security software, every little step towards perfecting your cyber security solutions will really make all the difference. It takes seconds for a hacker to infiltrate your databases, don’t let your business be the next victim.

At Qlic, we’re experts in making sure that your organisation will be protected from phishing scams, data breaches, cyber attacks and much more. If you don’t know where to start with your cyber security, get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to help!

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