When it comes to the operation of running an organisation, keeping up with the latest technology is essential. That’s why hardware lifecycle is so important! Understanding how hardware works and how to keep it working correctly can save organisations a lot of money long term, boost productivity and help keep on top of security standards.
Here’s a closer look at why hardware lifecycle is important…
Cost Saving
Hardware lifecycle helps organisations stay on top of their IT needs efficiently. By replacing older computers and desktops, that have become too slow or outdated with new models, organisations can enjoy the best performance without breaking their budget. Once this is tackled, disposing of old equipment instead of holding onto it indefinitely, means you can reduce storage costs as well as wasteful energy consumption.
Hardware Lifecycle Improves Security
Over time, older computers are exposed to increased threats from cybercriminals because they’re no longer running with the latest updated software and other protection updates. Having a detailed record of which systems are outdated and need replacing can reduce this risk considerably and will ensure peace of mind when it comes to security protection on your organisation’s devices.
Increased Productivity
Slow or laggy machines are known to kill productivity. By having a hardware lifecycle plan in place that records the age and performance capabilities of each machine, you can ensure that your employees have access to the hardware they need even before its performance starts to slow down. This will lead to greater efficiency in day-to-day work!
Did you know?
We lose an average of 46 minutes a day because of slow technology, which equates to a whopping 24 days of work time a year and approximately £2,752 in cost!
Stat from TechTalk / Currys
Hardware Lifecycle Reduces Maintenance Costs
By replacing an old and low-spec computer now, you save yourself from expensive repair costs down the line. By proactively upgrading to a more powerful machine with a better spec, you won’t have to worry about spending extra money on repairs or maintenance in the future.
Do You Need Computer Leasing?
You wouldn’t expect to pay for any other asset (such as an employee) in advance, so why pay for your IT equipment upfront? At Qlic computer leasing is available, so if you find yourself needing to replace a dozen machines all at once, you can resort to computer leasing to help your business financially.
Overall, hardware lifecycle is essential to any successful business strategy. Not only does it help with cost saving, but it also supports stronger security measures while boosting productivity through newer and faster machines!